Neville L. Cuave

Deceased 11-12-2023
Direct: 318-435-5643
Neville L. Cuave, Agent, over 52 years experience in the Insurance Business.
Graduated from Winnsboro High School. Attended University of Maryland. Attended Washburn University. Attended Northeast State College. Attended LaSalle Extension University and Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Insurance with a Minor in Finance.
Graduated from the Travelers School for Multiple Line Agents in Hartford Connecticut, August 7, 1969.
Attended many Property and Casualty Schools put on by the Independent Insurance Agents of Louisiana (Big I).
Hobbies: Flying (Private Pilot) and Farming
Married to LaVerne Cuave since 1965
Professional History:
Neville was discharged from the U.S. Air Force in 1964. In the fall of 1965 he went to work for the First National Life Insurance Company. He resigned from First National Life Insurance Company in May 1967 and in June 1967 he and Charles Ray Johnston formed the Cuave and Johnston Insurance Agency, a Retail Operation. In June 1972 he and Charles formed Ark-La-Miss General Agency, Inc., a Wholesale Operation. July 01, 1992 Neville and Charles sold Cuave and Johnston Insurance Agency, their retail operation. May 01, 1994, Charles sold his stock in Ark-La-Miss General Agency, Inc. to Neville and went into the cotton buying business. In June 1994, Neville started Cuave Insurance Agency. September 15, 1997, Neville sold Ark-La-Miss General agency, Inc. and went full time into Cuave Insurance Agency. January 2002, Neville L. Cuave and Mike Sterlacci formed Southern Insurance Group of Louisiana, LLC. Neville bought Mike Steriacci out in January 01, 2005.